Meet the Seal CluBBers.

I was told seal-clubbing was involved

Seal Cub Clubbing Club is actually a misnomer, for no one told us that seal clubbing was supposed to be done at lower tiers, and not at tier 10. Nevertheless, the name stuck and we exist today as a group of semi-competent casual players who inadvertently found ourselves in Hurricane League and on the rankings. At our core, we are still first and foremost a group of friends playing internet floaty-botes together while complaining about CVs, lack of balance, over-pens, and the ever-elusive RNG. To this day I don’t know what RNG stands for and I’m too afraid to ask.

Over time, we have come to accommodate our overall inflating skill level. Our long-standing goal has been to develop a Clan Wars structure that is both inclusive and competitive at the same time. Finding the balance between the two has provided its challenges, but a good attitude and transparent communication has allowed us flexibility in our approaches from season to season.

We have no de facto clan leader, instead, we have a group of long-time members who deal with minor issues as they arise, and bring to attention anything larger than any individual feels comfortable handling. Everyone gets a say in everything, however, saying something stupid still gets you laughed at.